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Monday, November 3, 2008

Put in your effort

When comes to contest there are some easy contest and some which need you to take time to win. For instance the comment contest. You need to be on the blog often to check on the latest post as well as the comment you posted to see if there's any reply.

Easy contest which will be just posting up the contest post and other requirement on the blog contest. That won't take up much of your time. Unlike comment contest where you need to check on the closing time as well.

You need to have good eye too to spot on contest happening on blogsphere. I am sure they are many contest you can find on blogsphere. Just be yourself and have fun in the contest. Remember you effort counts!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherry,

    I think you are doing a very good job in joining contest and especially in mine. Keep it up!

    I am sorry though if I cannot reply all the time - there's just too many things I am dealing with right now- one is my niece.

    But thank you for doing a great job!


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