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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pigmented spots

My friend is concerned about her pigmented spots, she tried several skin care products and some do reduce but she is not sure which is the one that help to reduce. Anyway I can see that her pigmented spots are getting serious. I mean they are more now on both sides of her face. She is staying home most of the time, I don't know why she gets it.

Is there a skin care product that can get rid of pigmented spots? I see that even she puts on foundation makeup I can still see her pigmented spots. She is in her 40's now, she mixed use skin care products.


  1. It's hard to get rid of pigments, she might want to try to whiten the black spots first eg Garnier Dark Spot corrector pens

  2. thank you atelierbeauty, I am not sure if the corrector pens selling here.


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