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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cheer me up with contests

This prize I received today as I have got taken part in this giveaway, it is supposed just one prize but the blogger very nice to provide more prize for consolation winners. I am one of the consolation winners, the winner chosen using My first time to own Paul & Joe nail polish and it is pink colour my favourite. This is bornilove sweet romantic giveaway that I won, you can click on the post for more detail.

Last night the wooden bed fall on my foot as I was looking for the jacket, my clothes are on the bed and the bed is not stable anymore. I forgotten it and after it fall only I know but too late already bang on my foot. I couldn't find the counter pain so I use the lotion apply on my left foot.

If you got time check out my other blog about the ribbon necklace and bracelet. I know that I need to work on this contest it is based on points. I will add jewelry in post but not yet time to make. There is few categories of Prizes in Red 1st Blogversary Contest that you can win, click on the link to find out. I hope you mention referral by Sherry if you are taking part.

Now there is a contest going on and it is also based on to choose winners. I hope you can take part to try your luck. If you are taking part, please mention referral by Sherry. This contest ends on 30 September, 2010 click below banner to take part.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherry,

    I have a blog giveaway at my blog, do take part in it if you are interested. Cheers


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