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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halls of Horror Movie Marathon@TGV Cinema

11 October is the night where we have a memorable night for the Halls of Horror Movie Marathon at TGV Cinema in Chill X, 1 Utama. First picture above is Mommy Jane and Me, second picture of Tammy the witch and Reggie with a knife on the head.
It is a memorable night for me, Jane and I have fun with the photo taking. Check out first photo of Jane and me.
I must say they have done a good job decorating the Chill X in 1 Utama. We feel comfortable and enjoy the food and drinks. I can never forget the yummy drink which taste like Oreo mint. Look at the hand in the soup, some friends were asking me whether it is a real hand. lol
We enjoy the movie the night and I am happy to watch the Insidious 1 and Insidious 2, if you haven't watch Insidious 1 do watch this so you can understand more about the movie for Insidious 2.

For more photos you can check out Jane's blog.
If you love giveaway, check out my Special November giveaway. Click on the link for detail.


  1. What a fun day :D Tammy always throws nice parties <3

  2. for sure you enjoyed and having fun there :)

  3. my first time to watch horror movies marathon, can't wait to do it again this year

  4. Hope you would do it again soon Sherry :D Cause it seems that you love watching horror movies :O


Thank you for visit, have a nice day.
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