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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Natta Cosme's Charity Fund Raiser

Natta Cosme's Charity Fund Raiser to help rise funds for the Typhoon Haiyan. If you planning to shop skin care products for love ones, this is good time. This is where one can make a donation or a purchase and the full price of the purchase will go to the charity.

My computer is acting up and slow loading plus what I have wrote earlier gone. It's my rewrite now, unable to save picture of Natta Cosme's products but you can click on the link mention to see.

If you doesn't feel like shop for anything, you can donate RM10 for Charity Tyhoon Haiyan Relief fund.

The donation will go through Fo Guang Shan (佛光山) Malaysia, and they will arrange to Philippine Fo Guang Shan.


Thank you for visit, have a nice day.
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