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Friday, September 19, 2014

i-City, Giant Ferry Wheel, Jungle Adventure and more

Yesterday son and I were early arrived in i-city so we decided to go Giant Ferry Wheel as he wanted to ride. 
Check out my blog post on 5 new attractions in i-City, click on the link.

Each person RM10 for the ride, a mommy with the above cards sold me RM10 for two cards. As her family didn't want to ride, they are afraid of height. This mean I only pay RM10 for son and myself to sit Giant Ferry Wheel. 
 Click on my video instagram to see the video of the Giant Ferry Wheel.
In Itsy Bitsy, you can find the Rocking Chaise Car, it's RM10 per car (2 person max)

Rules and Regulations
Child below 90 cm is prohibited.
Child aged 3 to 12 year old must have an adult accompany.
Duration is 5 minutes.
Strictly prohibited from crashing into any object, or pedestrian on street.
Follow all instructions given by the ride operator and display your i-Card for admission.
Click on my instagram video to watch how my son control the Rocking Chaise Car has a controller where you can move forward or backward, go left or right.

We never had enough for the night at Fun World in i-City.
Picture above I taken in the Space Walk. 
Check out my instagram video for the fun in Jungle Adventure, yes even I ride inside. 

I lost my camera somewhere in i-City, careless me didn't put in the bag but pocket. It must have slip out in the dark while I was enjoying the ride. The camera and camera pouch also black in color.
Thank you Shirley the PR Manager of i-City for helping me to find my camera, though we didn't find it in the night. 
Not giving up hope, stay positive. :D


  1. your son really had fun here!

    i am soo gayat, hehe

  2. hi Ayu, he's afraid of height in school when standing on higher chairs for class photo. Weird for the rides he's not afraid. :D


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