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Saturday, November 28, 2015

My hair makeover at Daisuke Salon De Coiffure

Happy weekends to everyone.
I am going to share with you about my experience of hair makeover at Daisuke Salon De Coiffure. 
This is Japanese hair salon run by Daisuka Suzuki and his wife Ai.
I used waze to help me find my way there to Daisuke Salon De Coiffure at 3 Two Square.

As you know I have a long hair that is frizzy and I have been waiting for a hair makeover. I was there at 11 something in the morning then finished at about 4 pm. 

I was given a magazine to see the hair types that is suitable for me.
As I still prefer to have my hair tie up.
My hair length cut short is just nice to suit me. 

I was given CO2 (soda water) treatment before the hair cut. 
Soda Water Popular in Japan is now in Malaysia.
Soda Water is recognised its effect stimulating blood circulation and hastening body metabolism in Japan. Apart from stimulating blood circulation, Tansen will wash proteins and lipids. Its a natural way to treat skin and Hair without any chemicals.

This is suitable for 
  • those who have oily skin.
  • those who don't like scalp swell.
  • those who has less volume.
  • those who need hair treatment or scalp treatment.
Soda water is deep cleansing that improves hair condition by removing chemical residue and natural substances like sweat and sebum from the scalp and hair which build-up over time.
The treatment is recommended for fine, damaged, coloured. 

Look how dirty is this water after having the CO2 treatment, the floating is contained of oil and dirt from my scalp. 
After the C02 treatment, I have my hair cut by Rene the hairstylist.

Yeah I got my hair colour too, it's purple and red colour but more to red. 
Yeah, a constant checking the color on my hair, 
Can you guess how many grey hair I have? teehee.. 

All hairstylist in Daisuke Salon De Coiffure are friendly, 
C02 hair treatment is a must try, 

How you like my hair makeover?
I am loving it. 

A selfie of me with Daisuke Suzuki.
Thank you Daisuke Suzuki. 

The Daisuke Salon De Coiffure is located at 
3 Two Square, 2 Jalan 19/1,
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Phone: 03 - 7960 0140

If you like to see more and update of the salon, check out their Faebook

If you like to have your haircut, colour, straightening, you can check out Daisuke Salon De Coiffure as they have provide the hair services there. Good news for my blog readers.
Mentioned my blog "nameSherry" and you'll enjoy 20% discount on hair services like haircut, colour, straightening only for 1st timer to the salon.


  1. Nice makeover! Makes you look younger. Would love a new look too. Haha


  2. thanks Miriam, yeah new hair styles for me.

  3. Nice hair cut sis!! You looked pretty and attractive ^^

  4. You look younger with the fringe!! And the hair becomes so smooth ^^

  5. Love your makeover. Looks younger and fresher. :)

  6. Heard good reviews about Daisuke and now very intrigue to go and try the saloon. It is hard to find good hair stylist so I hope that Daisuke is the one.

  7. Wow.... you look so pretty!!! I almost cannot recognise you...

  8. awww you look so cute after your makeover. plus that scalp treatment looks good for those with oily scalp

  9. Love the new colour of your hair. Seems like a great place for my hair makeover.

  10. wow ... look cute after hair colour and hair cut

  11. Sherry you look younger like this, very nice and keep it up.

  12. They really do a lovely job if you ask me. I havent found the time to go again yet!

  13. U look lovely after the fresh haircut! :D

  14. nice new look! they are very attentive and always strive to give you that brand new awesome hair style :)

  15. hey Sheery, I like your new hairstyle here :) nice and suitable for you :)
    cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  16. Love your new hairstyle, the color and fridge suit you really well :)

  17. Super nice makeover that really suit you and make you look super kawaii

  18. Awh Sherry you look so good! Love how they did your hair; this style suits you really well :)


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