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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Darlie Senyum Karnival with Ning Baizura & Back2Basixx @MYDIN MALL USJ, Subang Jaya

Ning Baizura on stage performance
How do you spend your Saturday? I have a great time at MYDIN MALL USJ, Subang Jaya. This afternoon I attended the Darlie Senyuman Karnival with Ning Baizura & Back2Basixx, you can view more photos on my Facebook Fan page, click on the link to view. They are here in MYDIN MALL USJ this afternooon around 2.30pm.

Ning Baizura sang "Kau dan Aku" then second song 'Meriah Lebaran', third song 'Selamat Hari Raya' at Darlie Senyuman Karnival at MYDIN MALL USJ which is the last stop of the carnival. Before that the carnival was held in MYDIN BUKIT MERTAJAM on 17 - 19 June 2016.

Back2Basixx on stage performance

Performance by Ning Baizura then Back2Basixx at MYDIN MALL USJ this afternoon is entertaining. It's a good opportunity for shoppers to meet the artists. Back2Basixx first song performance was 'Senyuman', second song performance 'Menjelang Hari Raya' and third song performance 'Bujang Lapok 2.0'.

At the campaign of 'Senyuman Berseri, Detik Bahagia Bersama Darlie', shoppers at MYDIN MALL USJ with purchase of product Darlie in a receipt of RM30 will get a RM5 KFC voucher while stock lasts. Besides that good deal is available until tomorrow where you can take part in the fun carnival.

If you purchase Darlie products in a receipt of RM10, you will entitle for a ticket to join Senyum Carnival. Scroll down the post to view how the ticket looks like.
Good deal is available there you can get a free 50g or 80g of Darlie tooth paste depend on the Darlie tooth paste that you purchase. It's a good deal pack as you can see the above image.
It is exclusive at MYDIN MALL USJ until tomorrow so don't miss out this chance if you want to bring your children over for the Senyum Carnival.

Children loves coloring and you get to choose one of the Senyuman Raya as above to color. With the ticket carnival in hand you can either choose to do coloring or net a duck.

I am alone today to attend the carnival as my children stay at home with sister-in-law and I decided to play the net a duck. It's fun as I have two tickets in hand because I bought RM20 and above which entitled me of 2 tickets. I won an umbrella and a small tooth paste from the carnival.

The 'Senyuman Berseri, Detik Bahagia Bersama Darlie' campaign is held at all branches of MYDIN MALL until early of July 2016. If you are looking to take part in the Darlie Senyuman Karnival, do check out MYDIN MALL USJ tomorrow.
net a duck

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