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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

"Anyone can be a Property Millionaire" Reality TV Show

If you know anyone interested in property investing or has interest to be on a real estate reality TV show.
"Anyone can be a Property Millionaire" Reality TV Show
In search of 8 Property Millionaire Stars

The auditions for aspiring property millionaire stars will kick off on 24 July for the widely anticipated "Anyone can Be a Property Millionaire" Reality TV Show. The search is on for Malaysia's future property millionaire star who will take to the stage together with fellow millionaire hopefuls as part of a real estate reality TV show, the first of its kind in the country and possibly the world. Expected to be broadcast in the 2nd quarter of 2017, the show's creator and host, Dato' Sri Gavin Tee said he is inviting everyone (Chinese-speaking for the 1st session) to apply to participate.

Last Saturday bloggers were invited for the Bloggers' Conference of Malaysia's 1st Chinese TV Reality Show. The conference was held at Capri by Fraser, Bangsar South.

from left Andrew Lim from Tedmi, Dato' Sri Gavin Tee, Irene.

Shortlisted participants will then go through a selection process where factors such as how they express themselves, financial ability, assessment tests results, and a simple self-introduction, will be taken into consideration. 
The search for the 8 Property Millionaire Stars will kick off with Tee's talk on "Anyone Can be a Property Millionaire" on July 24 (Sunday) at 2pm to be held at the Grand Ballroom, The Garden Hotel, Mid Valley City, Kuala Lumpur. 

The shortlisted applicants will be placed under 8 different categories -
Celebrity, Professional, Foreigner, Disabled, Businessman, Young Graduate, Retiree and Real Estate Expert.
Tee will personally guide each of the 8 participants to each stage of the buying process, from the selection of properties, borrowing of loans to the signing of the Sale & Purchase agreement. 
The objective is to buy a property that eventually gives the greatest return within a specific time-frame.

"These are ordinary members of the public who typify the particular category that they belong to, for example, the young graduate who has a strong desire to own a house and who has experienced some mistakes along the way; the businessman who owns several properties without proper management of his portfolio and who may constantly face problems renting out his properties or has rental collection issues," Tee said.

This is an opportunity if you have interest to know of property investing, or you like to participate in being one of the 8 Property Millionaire Stars in this TV Show. 

Tee, who widely regarded as one of the top property speakers in the region, emphasised that the show will feature a cross-section of society, "real people who will really buy a property and not merely acting".

To participate, you may purchase a ticket at only RM50 where you can attend Dato' Sri Gavin Tee's talk and meet him in person on 24 July at 1pm to 5pm, venue at the Gardens Hotel, Mid Valley City, Kuala Lumpur.
Online ticket:
You can click on the link above for more details.
 This programme is produced by Swhengtee Group, a production of SKT Media & Entertainment Group.
Dato' Sri Gavin Tee, the property veteran of 25 years

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