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Monday, October 10, 2016

A Woman's Journey Through Health with menarini

Last Sunday morning, I attended a workshop it is related to A Woman's Journey Through Health. It's interesting as I didn't know much of the contraceptive pills and menopause. This is one stop workshop with various topics that relates to women's from all walks of life, making women feel good about themselves, empowering them to take control of their lives with adequate knowledge, finding happiness and always feel young at heart. This workshop suitable for woman from age 28 to 45 years old. One of the healthy activities in the morning include of cycling. 

Family planning is important as at the workshop today get to know family that have 11 children because they don't know of importance of family planning. All tickets sales to the worskhop RM25 each will be donated to Ragunathan family.

Women's hormonal changes from her wonder years through golden years, talked by Dr. Ho Choon Moy, O&G Specialist.

Unplanned pregnancy with more than 50% of pregnancies worldwide are unplanned, they are more than a half in Asia. Sad to know half ended in abortion, this may reflect the poor contraceptive knowledge. Today there's short term contraceptives and long term contraceptives to choose from for the woman and man. There are oral contraceptive pills which is not just for family planning, but has other benefits like regulating women's hormones which could reduce some health issues. Oral contraceptive pill has low dose vs ultralow dose it's important to seek your doctor advice on which is suitable for you. Each year in the worldwide trends in contraception usage, contraception prevents 188 million unplanned pregnancies. It results in 122 millions few abortions. Proper timing and spacing of pregnancies & births reduce pregnancy-related health complications in women. This results in a lower infant mortality rate. Do you know about the sexual transmitted infections? They are Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Herpes Simplex, Syphillis, Genital warts, HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus), HIV (Human Imunodefiency Virus). This is why 'Double-Dutch' approach to contraception gives the best protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

I am glad that I attended this workshop as it's not only educate public on certain disease and health issues related also get to know about oral contraceptive and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drugs for menopausal women.

Talking of menopause, do you know what it is? It is the final menstrual period of a woman. Post-menopause is 1 year after the last menstrual period. Peri-menopause begins anytime from 40 years old onwards until the beginning of post-menopause. Menopause is a natural and inevitable event that happens on average at age 51 years. I recalled this happened to my mom when she was in her late 40s.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
Hot Flushes
  • Nearly 75% of women entering perimenopause experience hot flushes
  • Intense heat: 30 secs - few minutes; followed by sweating, palpitations, anxiety.
  • Major cause of sleep disturbance.

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is a term that refers to the changes at the vulva, vagina, urethra and bladder that happen to women after menopause. The term GSM came about in 2013 when experts from the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) got together to discuss the best way to describe the symptoms at the private parts of menopausal women so that patients can feel more comfortable seeking medical attention for their problem instead of suffering in silence.

GSM is not one single problem but a set of different problems happening at the same anatomical area, hence the treatment will vary according to woman's individual needs. Not all treatments require medication; some may be lifestyle changes or topical applications. Generally, treatment can consists of water-based lubricants, moisturisers, low-dose hormone therapy, local estrogen creams, suppositories or tablets.

Menopause is a new beginning or the beginning of the end? It's important to have a healthy lifestyle which consists of diet and exercise. Weight gain after menopause is caused by lifestyle factors. Healthy diet with several servings of fruits & vegetables each day, whole grain fibres, fish and low total fat (cooking coconut oil/olive oil). Limit sugar and salt intake, eat slowly chew longer be mindful and enjoy your food. Socialized and be physically & mentally active.

Besides woman's health talk there's also Atopiclair cream/lotion which is suitable for eczema patients. This is a non-steroidal product that is suitable even for baby and children. I might want to check this out as my dear sometimes like to scratch and makes him difficult to sleep.

I also find many woman interested in the Papulex, this is for acne skin, there are other range in Papulex as well.

The workshop session has slips to few session in a day and activities lining up for participants of the talk namely the learn about health through activities like booth tour & stamping, photography, cycling, hair grooming, blending your own healthy juices, slimming & pampering, health assessment/bone scan. There were also health talk on Myth about the virgin coconut oil and weight management, where Celebrity Testimonial, they are the Celebrity Sharing: Ms Aenie Wong & Mother. There are breakfast, buffet lunch and tea break provided.

The workshop is jointly organized by Feminine Magazine, Mommy Baby; Caring Pharmacy as the healthcare partner and Menarini as the official main sponsor, and other co-sponsors.

Group photo with the Ragunathan Family with the sponsors
I am glad I attended the workshop, know more about important of woman's health and lifestyle. 


  1. What an informative workshop this was. We definitely need more workshops and to encourage more people to participate. I wished there is something like this in Ipoh where I live.

  2. Good for you for this opportunity to attend a health workshop like this. It can be very informative :) Haha I don't need to cause I learn all this in uni ^.^

  3. Very good workshop for women. Glad that you went. Very detailed post too.

  4. Great event, will be organizing an Empowering women event soon myself.

  5. That's such a great awareness campaign! Seriously every women will go through so yeah, just be prepare ;)

  6. Family planning indeed is very important. A great CSR done by Menarini and all the sponsors.

  7. Giving aid to the weak form of people group is the social responsibility of ours!

  8. indeed an informative workshop. would like to attend one..

  9. Such a great campaign, women should really learn how to take care of ourselves...

  10. We as women still have low knowledge about our own health conscious. this is a great event to encourage women to gain more knowledge about women health

  11. Wow, thanks for sharing about this workshop! It's really great to see such informative workshops being held for women to understand ourselves in terms of health better.

  12. This is really a good workshop to attend, such a great CSR.

  13. detailed workshop for woman!!Thanks for sharing

  14. Thanks for the sharing! It was very important to know more knowledge about women health and life =D

  15. Health is so essential as even money can't buy it.
    Need to take good care.

  16. so important for us to take care of our health. good effort from the organizers of this event.

  17. That would be a very informative event. Good stuff.

  18. As a women, we should know more about our health especially how to handle when we reach menopause. A good event to create awareness.

  19. Such a lovely event.. Health is very important for everyone..


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