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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Happy Birthday Butterflies X Jerlynn'L

 Excited as I have registered for the Butterfly Birthday Butterflies x Jerlynn'L, I received an email from Tammy that I have been selected to attend the private party with 50 butterflies. The party is held at 3pm at Hello Deer, Damansara Uptown. This is the Butterfly Project Malaysia's 4th birthday, it's good to spend time with lovely butterflies bloggers at the event.
speech by Tammy founder of Butterfly Project Malaysia
wefie with Tammy
 Thanks to Tammy for organizing this fun birthday party and we have so much fun. I have do-it-myself some decoration on my flowery top. It's yellow theme and you can scroll to see many beautiful dresses and even a beast with yellow eyelashes.
photo credit Eros
 Jerlynn'L is inspired from a male Chidori bird, which spends a big part of its life away from the family in search of a safe place to build the family nest. The father bird would give his life to raise his family and protect them from predators. And just like the story, the Jerlynn'L was created by a fatehr to protect and provide daily care products for its precious children. The products are safe for children and adults to use, it's Paraben free.
photo credit Eros, everyone paying attention to emcee  and Jerlynn's founder Chin Yee.
Exciting as everyone waited the moment where we can share our unboxing live to Facebook.
What's in the Jerlynn'L box that we have are as following: 
  1. Signature Body Wash 500ml x 1
  2. Signature Hair Wash 500ml x 1
  3. Daily Moisture Lotion 100ml x 1
  4. Hair Conditioner & Detangles 100ml x 1
  5. Aroma Stone Sachet x 1
  6. Bug No More x 1  
  7. Face Moisture x 1
Bug No More is in Red color, that's nice repellent I used to chase bug away! The bottle packaging is easy travel size, one of the top selling product of Jerlynn'L, it contains natural extract from Citronella, Spearmint, Basil, Lavender and Rosemary to help preventing bug or insect bites. Unlike other mosquito repellent with strong smell and thick texture, some people didn't like the smell of that. Bug No More comes with natural lemongrass fragrance and non-sticky to skin with effect lasts for 3 hours. It also contains Allantoin which acts as anti-irritant agents, at the same time smoothen the skin and promote would healing. However it's not suitable to spray on open wound!

wefie with Kathy and Choy Peng
The products are user friendly and it has three colors, Blue, Green and Red. Do scroll down to read more. I love the smell of the products!
Happy birthday to Butterfly Project Malaysia X Jerlynn'L
Such a wonderful event that bring 50 butterflies together.
Thanks Eros for these wonderful photos - wefie with Jane and Kathy

My children have tried the products of Jerlynn'L and they loved it, you can click on the link to visit. It was last year that we have tried the products and happy to repurchase after using because the products are suitable for them and didn't irritate their skin.
Thanks to Betty for the wefie photo together with butterflies

photo credit to Eros

Say no more so much to see and so much to do there, that we can't have enough of it. Yummy food and desserts corner that you wanna have more!
photo credit to Eros
Yummy corner of desserts that everyone would like to take bite. I like the yummy chocolate cake and cute cookie.
Among the best dress are Rawlin as Beast, and Beauty is Grace.
 Lots of beautiful photo taken by Eros Si from, do visit his blog when you have the time. If you like to see more photos taken by Eros, do visit the album page of The Butterfly Project Malaysia.

10 winners of best dress #jerlynnlmy #butterflymsia photo credit to Eros
I would like to thank Tammy of Butterfly Project Malaysia for inviting me to the event of 4th Butterfly Birthday Party X Jerlynn'L.

Jerlynn's is suitable for all age group, it is a product for a complete family, soft enough for the babies and rich enough for the adults.They have got Signature Collection which protects you and your family from head to toe. The Signature Collection is one of a kind as it contains 4x more Ceramide III than any other products in the market. Ceramide III helps to attract and retain moisture in the skin and improve skin elasticity. Nevertheless, the Signature Collection comprises of 2 body wash, 2 hair wash, 1 body lotion, 1 hair conditioner and 1 special care product. There are 3 clear colors to guide children on the usage: Blue for body use; Green for hair use, and Red for red alert, which need adult's supervision when using.

Just to share info with you as soon to be Mother's Day, I am sure you be looking for gift ideas on what to present mommy. Why not check out their Mother's Day Limited Edition Gift Set and get Free membership and personalized photo album! You can make this Mother's Day special for your mom. The Mother's Day Limited Edition Gift Set includes:
  1. Signature Body Wash 500ml x 1
  2. Signature Hair Wash 500ml x 1
  3. Daily Moisture Lotion 100ml x 1
  4. Hair Conditioner & Detangles 100ml x 1
  5. Aroma Stone Sachet x 1
  6. Sugar Can x 1
  7. Bread case x 1
  8. Scraf x 1
I am sure everyone would like to shop within their budget. How about budget below RM300?
Now at RM228 instead of RM715, available from 25th April to 14 May 2016 at
Jerlynn'L Mid Valley Megamall and Jerlynn'L SkyAvenue Mall, Genting.
Special to my readers, use this unique code - JerlynnL17 
Using this code you can enjoy 20% off with purchase of any normal price items and experience Hand Paraffin Treatment (worth RM107) by showing unique code (JerlynnL17) to the personal care consultant at Jerlynn'L outlet.
You can also visit Jerlynn'L website/Facebook for updates:


  1. What a lovely party. So much fun. Love the theme too.

  2. Thanks for helping me to pin my butterfly wing and the present. Love it so much. :)

  3. Aww. Looks like you guys was having so much fun! I missed it, need to go to work :(


Thank you for visit, have a nice day.
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