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Friday, June 23, 2017

Raya shopping where to go

 It's Friday, friends heading back to hometown/Kampung. Sean's exclassmate's friend has return to Ipoh and there's no jam this afternoon. Today been a busy morning for me, Sean has no school but he has tuition at 9am to 10.30am. So first to drop his brother at kindergarten before sending him to tuition. After picked him up for tuition then we head to Sunway Pyramid for purchase movie tickets of Transformers the last knight.

By the way, if you are still on Raya shopping you can visit the blog link, there's still time for last minute shopping, I done a blog post you can see some of the photos of the clothing by visit the blog link.
 Loving to braid my hairstyle, I have diy braided my hair. I tried a few styles and satisfied with this style.Not forgetting to care for my skin as few weeks not really having a good pamper time for my skin. Finally using the Innisfree super volcanic pore clay mask in the afternoon. Good 15 minutes of masking leaving my skin feeling good after washing away the mask.

That's not all there's mission for us for this Raya, to shop for shoes as my sandals has break. Even my dear need to shop for working shoes. Just the other day we bought sandal for Sean.


  1. I super love and hate last minute shopping for both raya n christmas...hahahhaha i just can't decide...

  2. Love your braids, Sherry! Used to have long hair too; can't wait for it to grow longer...... Added you in G+ & GFC, & would love to have you follow me too! xoxo

  3. Thanks for your Raya shopping recommendations and love the braids but can't help but notice your tshirt has your IG and Twitter handle, so cute lol :)

  4. I wonder how you can braid your hair like that. I have long hair and my hands can't even reach my hair like that!

  5. Nice braids you have, if I'm braiding my own hair, it would be quite messy. Never tried the clay mask before, hope to try it some day 💕

  6. Nice braids! I like to braid my hair sometimes since it's very long already. Haven't watched Transformer yet, I heard it's a good movie.

  7. Nice braids as always Sherry, I really need to learn how to do it myself >.<

  8. I always did my last minute shopping online though!! haha But thanks for sharing, now where to go for shopping last minute now! As usual love your braids!!


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