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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas Cooking Workshop

It's a Double Happiness hands on cooking class that I have attended on last Saturday. Good as I love to eat and it's my first time to attend the Christmas cooking workshop where I learned about what ingredients of alce nero Organic products and Panasonic products. The cooking workshop was held at Cilantro Culinary Academy at USJ, Subang Jaya.

The soup you see below photo is the Christmas Celebration Soup. Alce nero Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Panasonic Cubie is used for this.
together with my team members and Patsie Cheong.
Yummy delicious Joyful Christmas dish of chicken breast, with 3 slices cheese and 6 feet long string used for rolled it. Alce nero Organic Raw Honey being used and steam on using the Steam High of Panasonic Cubie Oven. Keep in mind that raw honey only to be use on last step which is pour all over the chicken breast.

Below is the Delicious Organic Fusilli of alce nero in tricolore. Panasonic Cubie is being used for the Steam High for 20 minutes. Alce nero Extra Virgin Olive Oil and alce nero Organic Tomato Sauce with basil to taste for this delicious meal. Hands on cooking experienced for everyone, yeah we can get turn to go for using the Panasonic products. You can find more photos on the Album, click on the link to view them.
Last but not least is the Organic jam tart that we can find in alce nero organic products. 
Panasonic Smart Food Processor is used for making the dough. 
Panasonic Cubie Oven used for baking the tarts to golden brown. 
It's fun cooking workshop that we are being guide step by step by Patsie Cheong.

Indeed a good time with friends and Patsie Cheong at the Feminine Panasonic Cooking workshop. This we get to know of the products used at the event, and we get to taste on food we have cooked too. Indeed a very good experienced and step by step guide by Patsie Cheong.

1 comment:

  1. Those foods look extremely delicious ! Merry Xmas in advance sherry ! :)


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