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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hair Dye That Doesn't Damage

Independence Without Consequences
One of the best methods to symbolize your independence from the status quo is to dye your hair. Whether you want to show off your eccentric side and go for hues of blue or purple, or you want to stick with an earthier shade of red, brown, or blond, dyeing your hair can lead to problems. Too often, the harsh dyes that are used in typical salons can damage your hair over time. As you grow older, you want as healthy hair as you can manage to prevent hair loss and decay. As such, you may choose to forego the fun and freeing passage of dyeing your hair. However, there is a method available that doesn't come with the same repercussions as standard hair dyeing chemicals give.

The Power Of Nature
Henna is a herb that can be used to dye your hair a myriad of different colors. Because it's a plant and not a chemical, it actually does the opposite of damaging your hair. By utilizing botanical hair care, you can experience not only changing up your hair color at your whim, but you can also help keep it healthy.

Essentially, there are two versions of henna. The standard henna can help you dye your hair without damaging it. There's an even better version of henna, however, that can do more than just that. Lustrous henna can actually strengthen and nourish your hair. More than that, it provides UV protection, so your hair won't be bleached out by the sun. This is especially important for those who want to dye their hair a certain color in the summer but soon find the shade bleached out due to the UV rays. Lustrous henna also conditions your hair instead of drying it out and turning it brittle like many of the harsh chemicals used in hair dye does. Since additional herbs are used with Lustrous Henna, they all work together to prevent hair loss and keep your hair vibrant.

1 comment:

  1. Long time I didn't colour my hair. The last time was 4 years ago.


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