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Monday, September 10, 2012

Walk 10,000 steps per day for a healthier you!!

Look at my son so happy at the beach of Sunway Lagoon water park, yeah you see below picture of everyone busy with warming up. I did it too! wow it is more than 10 minutes you know I gave up a bit then continue hehe... then my son too join the fun of warming up. They are three professionals that teaches the exercise, one of them the woman is from China. So many people having fun at the warm up and you see some wearing the goodie bag instead of putting in the locker! We are carrying the bag and backpack so better put them in the locker with goodie bags, I can tell you after the fun over at water park the bags getting more heavy! Don't forget the wet clothes which I placed in the bags!
After the walk we get to queue up to collect the breakfast, while my dear queue to collect breakfast my son and waited for his sword balloon from the clown.

They are three of  us we are getting the same adult meal, the sandwich however not much ingredients inside. The sandwiches my son finished one pack only, there's other food available in Sunway Lagoon you need to purchase them.
Oh.. look at me, tired walking up and down the hill. There are walking up and down the stairs too after this walk of hill.
I will take part again in next Guardian Charity Walkathon if there's any coming up, the last time they had it in 2008. This is fun charity event for those who loves family outing!

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