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Monday, July 29, 2013

Get scared with *The Conjuring 2013*

Yesterday night we get the chance to watch The Conjuring, yeah happy me because I won two movie passes to watch it. Earlier I missed the chance to watch because same night was The Wolverine.

How do we calm ourselves when watching this movie? We have got popcorn or chips in hand to eat while watching the movie. Yeah I think this way we get less scare watching the movie. How about you?

In 1971, Carolyn and Roger Perron with their five daughters move into a old farm house in Harrisville, Rhode Island. On the first day, one of their daughters found a music box near the tree. They are happy to see the house once they reach there, the first night their dog didn't want to enter the house. The second day their daughter went looking for the dog but found him dead. Carolyn has bruise on her leg, the bruise started appearing on her body each day. Yeah creepy, Roger ask her to see a doctor.

Do you know how they bought the old farm house? It is through auction and they have no idea who was earlier living in this home. Even though the home is beautiful near the lake but sad to say not everything look that perfect. One woman hang herself at the branch of the tree near the lake.

Ed and Lorraine Warren are paranormal investigators, you will be more familiar with ghostbusters. Carolyn approached them for help because her daughters too experience the scary moments through the night.

Lorraine Warren has special gift, she can feel and sense spirit. Once she steps into the house of Carolyn and Roger Perron, she knew something is not right. They are spirits latching on the family, even though if they decided to move, it doesn't help because the spirits have latch on to the family.

If you like horror movie, you will like to how Ed and Lorraine help the family. They almost lost Carolyn and two of the daughters!

I don't know that Ed and Lorraine's home have kept all the antics and toys. Pss.. they aren't really toy to play with. Watch out!


  1. i watch conjuring with my house mate and we all shout loudly in the cinema because of the sound effect.. xD


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