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Monday, May 19, 2014

Sonny Angel 10th Anniversary Celebration

Sonny Angel: He May Bring You Happiness

In 2004, Dreams Inc. Japan, created Sonny Angel, with the intention of it being a companion to the Office Ladies (OL). Originally standing at 8", the Sonny Angel figurine was meant to be placed at home, accompany the OLs upon their return of work. Gradually, it has evolved to the current popular 2" collectible figurine that can be carried anywhere, and enjoyed from whenever the collector may venture.

The original Sonny Angel has movable arms and legs (pose-able) with soft baby-smelling skin and comes in his birthday suit! His birthday is on 15th May. It is now a Collector's item worldwide.

Sonny Angels are found in many countries worldwide, including USA, UK, France, Poland, Taiwan, South Korea, China (Hong Kong), Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Italy , Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia, and Luxemborg.

Malaysia launched Sonny Angel on 15th May, 2014.

Sonny Angels are sold in a blind box with no indication of which angel is within the box. Whilst the collector may choose any of the 8 Standard or Limited Edition version/series, there is no way of knowing if he targeted angel is within the box unless the whole 12 angel set is purchased.

The blind box concept is wrapped with the element of "surprise", so the mystery of which angel the collectors will receive is revealed only upon opening the box and sealed foil wrapper.

When you observe carefully the individual Sonny Angel, you realize that they are "lively" in their expressions, and every expression is slightly different!

Each Sonny Angel's facial feature and headgear is artistically hand-painted thus the lively expression. Every eye line, lash, eye sparkle, smile and blush is not identical. And each hairline and headgear perimeter may be slightly irregular, much like human make-up. These factors make each Sonny Angel unique.

Similarly, when you observe their posture, whilst they appear uniformly carbon-copied at first, upon closer inspection, you may notice a slight tilt or "swagger" in some of them. This unique feature is keenly observed by very sharp-eye collectors who are even able to tell 2 Sonny Angels with the same headgear apart and value each for their "finger-print" difference.

Presently, only in Malaysia, for every Sonny Angel purchased, RM1 is set aside for charity. This philosophy is in line with Sonny Angel Malaysia's vision of caring and sharing for society, with the hope of bringing some cheer and happiness back to our world.

On 8th February 2014, Sonny Angel Malaysia conducted the first charity outreach to SHELTER 1, and SHELTER 2 - homes for troubled children from ages 4 to 13, and from ages 14 to 18, respectively. Each resident in these 2 homes were given gifts of foodstuff, ang-pows, a Sonny Angel each and cash donations given personally by Sonny Angel volunteers (who are Sonny Angel collectors sharing the same vision). Please see posting on Charity Outreach in Sonny Angel Malaysia Facebook page.

Sonny Angel Malaysia plans to conduct such charity outreaches twice a year. The next round is targeted at September/October period.

Below you are looking at the Ribbon Angels.

Sonny Angel born on 15th May 2014, Sonny Angel is 10 years old in 2014.
Having evolved progressively in size, texture, color, quality and design, there is much to celebrate.

Spectacular Limited Edition Sonny Angels are created to commemorate the decade milestone, including a long-awaited Sonny Angel 10th Anniversary Complete Guide Book, which will list details of releases of all 21 series (304 designs) so far. Both new and veteran Sonny Angel collectors are waitiing with bated breath for this exhaustively researched and full color must-have pictorial manual.
Above is Mr. Ben from Sonny Angel Malaysia

 The Sonny Angel 10th Anniversary Celebration is held at Absolute Thai, 1 Utama on last Saturday. It was fun celebration, each of us received a Sonny Angel, there was lucky draw on the day.

Look at above picture, cakes awaiting us to eat.

I want to thank Sonny Angel Malaysia for inviting me to Sonny Angel's 10th Anniversary Celebration.
Now you can know which Sonny Angel belongs to me as I asked you on previous post.

I have more pictures of Sonny Angels in instagram sherrygo.
Check out this video for the Animal Series of Sonny Angels.

Yeah with lots and love and care, I'm holding the Sonny Angel Flower Series - Poppy


  1. Wow. Never heard of this doll before. Lol. I am "katak di bawah tempurung" when it comes to toys and dolls. Hehe.

    but they are cute!


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