Above is the five lovely hosts of ChiChi &ChaCha - Sweet, Afeig, Farisha, Leen and Harris not in particular order.
ChiChi & ChaCha is Asia’s first children edutainment series featuring live action celebrity hosts, song, dance, music and 3D animated baby animal characters. It is being aired on Astro Ceria (Channel 611) & Astro Maya HD (Channel 135) every Saturday and is targeted for children from kindergarten to early primary.
Do you know that now the search is on the star for age 6 yr to 18 year old to be next ChiChi & ChaCha star? Click on the link for more details of ChiChi &ChaCha, edutainment and star search for kids.
Taylor’s University’s student PR consultancy is collaborating
with Kyanite TV and Big Fish Media to organise “Be The Next ChiChi
& ChaCha Star”, a
star search for kids and teens aged between 6 to 18 years old to
perform live with the hosts of hit TV show, ChiChi & ChaCha in
event will
be held on
November 2014 at The Main Place, USJ 21 to find the most talented boy
and girl who will walk away with RM 1,000 cash each, be featured on
YouTube and join the 2015 tour with ChiChi & ChaCha (CC2)
celebrity hosts.
winners will be invited to train, choreograph and perform with the
five ChiChi & ChaCha hosts - Sweet, Afeiq, Farisha, Leen and
Harris - to unlock
and refine their future potential. Interested parties aged below 18
years old are invited to upload their talent videos by 6th
November 2014 if they are interested in participating. The steps are
as below:
- Register at -- http://goo.gl/forms/YlQy3bx5VC
2) Take a video of your
talent in less than 15 seconds on Instagram (sing, dance or act) then
share it on your Facebook account
3) Shout out "Saya
nak jadi bintang ChiChi & ChaCha" in your video
4) Tag one of your
favorite hosts (@afeiq, @farisha_iris, @jazashazleen, @harrisalif, or
@fqisminaa) and @chichidanchacha
entrants will be picked for the Challenge Round on 15th
November where they will be given 90 seconds to showcase their
talents. From this group, the Top 10 will be selected to proceed to
the Grand Final on 16th
November. They will be tested based on 3Ps - Performance, Potential
and Personality. All finalists will be given maximum 4 minutes to
showcase their talents and dance to CC2 songs.
The Next ChiChi & ChaCha Star” Nominating Contest provides a
special reward for the nominators where they have to nominate ONE
talented person around them and showcase the person’s talent within
15 seconds or less. Should the nominees be selected as a finalist on
the Challenge Round, he or she will win RM100 in cash and a free
autographed ChiChi & ChaCha T-shirt.
Interested parties aged below 18 years old are invited to upload their talent videos.

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