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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Kotex Launch Event!

Kotex® Unveils New-and-Improved Kotex® Soft & Smooth alongside Kick Off of ‘Beat the Gush’ Campaign
Exceptional features help protect against sudden gushes, addressing the anxiety women feel over unexpected and uncontrollable heavy flow

Yesterday I attended the Kotex launch event it was held at The Terrace, The Curve. My first time to park my car at the Curve. 

For a woman, protection during periods is of utmost importance; but it’s not just about preventing leakages, it’s about dealing with the sudden gushes that happen: unpleasant and unexpected episodes that can disrupt any woman’s day. The new-and-improved Kotex® Soft & Smooth range, launched together with the exciting ‘Beat the Gush’ campaign, help address this need, telling women they do not need to let these sudden gushes get in their way!

about is the "Beat the Gush" Roundatable Discussion:
  • Aileen See, Marketing Manager, Kimberly-Clark Malaysia
  • "Beat the Gush" Personalities: Diana Danielle, celebrity; Abby Latiff, Programme Director of WOMEN: girls

Sudden gushes are a common experience during monthly periods at any time of the day, particularly when there is sudden movement. This ‘attack’ often provides an anxiety of wanting to check for leakages when it occurs, leaving women uncomfortable and less confident to carry on with what they have on hand. 

Supporting the Kotex® ‘Beat the Gush’ Campaign are confident women who believe in seizing the day and not allowing anything, even sudden gushes, get in their way! They include celebrity Diana Danielle as well as popular Instagrammer Qistina Shah (@sqistinashah) to Low Ngai Yuen from WOMEN:girls, a non-profit platform to empower women and girls to acknowledge their potential and realise their dreams.

 The couple was having their lovely date in the night, this is role play when gushes moment comes.. *lady in red dress is the gushes moment, just to express how date turns out"
A table talk, it's a date play where the couple having their romantic night suddenly the gal having sudden gush moment.. 
Yeah the gushes moment when comes to the guy wants to propose to her. 
You know how bad it feels, it just ruined the entire night... 

 The new Kotex® Soft & Smooth now comes with:
  • Rapid Absorb Core to help absorb sudden gushes immediately and directly at the source for exceptional protection
  • Micro-Dri Cover with more than 3,000 micro holes for fast and effective absorption
  • Infinity Lock System with side barriers and deep channels, providing all-around protection against leaks
Cute photo booth. 
I also have fun at the 360 Glam photo.
The camera will go 360, so you can make any movements/expressions you like doing it.

I always having Kotex standby in my bag, sometimes is hard to predict the exact time of gushes.
So always be ready, just in case of emergency!

spot me and my lovely blogger friends, photo above credit to Kotex Malaysia's Facebook

Find out more on the Kotex® Malaysia Facebook page or on for news and updates on how to ‘Beat the Gush’. Be inspired by the stories of these confident women plus check out the latest ‘Beat the Gush’ videos. Look out for your favourite Instagrammers too, who will be posting short clips of the campaign, and you get to win amazing prizes by coming up with your own #BeatTheGush caption!

The new-and-improved Kotex® Soft & Smooth range is available at all major outlets. For any other questions, call 1-800-82-1188 (Mondays to Thursdays, 9am to 5pm).


Thank you for visit, have a nice day.
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