220g Golden Churn Butter
4 Eggs
45g Caster sugar
145g Caster sugar
190g Plain flour
10g Cocoa powder
2 tsp Baking powder
65 ml Milk
1 tsp Vanilla essence
½ tsp Nutmeg powder
½ tsp Cinnamon powder
1. Preheat the oven to 180⁰C.
2. Separate the eggs and place the egg whites in a mixer. Set aside the yolks.
3. Beat the egg whites, gradually adding the 45g sugar and continue to beat until stiff peak.
4. In a separate bowl, cream together the butter and 145g sugar, then stir in the vanilla essence.
5. Add the egg yolks one at a time and beat until all the yolks are well incorporated.
6. In a separate bowl, mix together the baking powder and flour. Pour half of the flour mixture into the batter and gradually add in the milk. Beat until mixture is smooth then fold in the remaining flour.
7. Add in half of the egg white mixture (meringue) and mix well.
8. Next, fold in the other half of the meringue and gently mix to combine.
9. Once the batter is ready, separate ¼ of the batter into a separate bowl and fold in the cocoa powder, nutmeg and cinnamon powder. Mix Well.
10. Pour the remaining¾ batter into the cake tin followed by the ¼ portion of spiced batter on top. Use a knife to gently cut the desired pattern on the surface and bake for 50 minutes or until cooked.
Both recipe are same, above in English and below in Bahasa Malaysia language for your reference.
Golden Churn Butter Kek Marble Mentega Lembap Berempah
220gram Mentega Golden Churn
4 Telur
45gram Gula kastor
145gram Gula kastor
190gram Tepung gandum
10gram Serbuk coklat
2 sudu teh Serbuk penaik
65 ml Susu
1 sudu teh Esen vanilla
½ sudu teh Serbuk buah pala (nutmeg powder)
½ sudu teh Serbuk kayu manis (cinnamon powder)
1. Panaskan ketuhar pada suhu 180⁰C.
2. Asingkan telur dan masukkan putih telur ke dalam mesin pengadun (mixer). Kuning telur ketepikan.
3. Pukul putih telur, masukkan 45g gula kastor perlahan-lahandan pukul sehingga kembang menjadi foam kental (meringue).
4. Dalam mangkuk yang berasingan, pukul Mentega Golden Churn dan 145g gula kastor, masukkan esen vanilla.
5. Masukkan kesemua kuning telur dan pukul sehingga semua kuning telur campur sebati.
6. Dalam mangkuk yang berasingan, campurkan serbuk penaik dan tepung gandum. Tuangkan separuh campuran tepung ke dalam adunan dan masukkan susu perlahan-lahan. Pukul sehinnga sebati. Masukkan kesemua tepung yang tinggal.
7. Masukkan separuh campuran putih telur (meringue) dan gaul sehingga sebati.
8. Kemudian, masukkan spearuh campuran putig telur (meringue) yang tinggal dan gaul sehingga sebati.
9. Apabila adunan sudah siap, asingkan ¼ adunan ke dalam mangkuk yang berasingan. Masukkan serbuk coklat, serbuk buak pala dan serbuk kayu manis. Gaul sehingga sebati.
10. Tuangkan ¾ adunan yang tinggal ke dalam loyang diikuti ¼ adunan yanng berempah di atas. Dengan pisau, potong permukaan adunan dengan ringan mengikut corak yang disukai. Bakar kek selama 50 minit atau sehingga masak.

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