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Sunday, June 7, 2015

YES (Young Entrepreneurs System Shaklee)

On 1st June 2015 Monday was the day I attended the Blogger's Day with Shaklee held in The Pinnacle, Sunway with HaiBlogger Community. Have you heard of Shaklee? Try to ask your parents and relatives, they might heard of it. Shaklee Malaysia has been in Malaysia for almost 20 years now since 1995, they have been providing nutritional and herbal supplements, personal care products and household products. they might heard of this. Recently Shaklee Malaysia is introducing the YES (Youth Entrepreneur System) programme under the Shaklee Cares for Our Youth. This is another CSR initiative by Shaklee Malaysia under Shaklee Cares. Prior to Shaklee Cares for Our Youth, Shaklee Cares rolled out Shaklee for Our Children for underprivileged children. 

Always Safe, Always Works, Always Green is Shaklee Malaysia's commitment to providing naturally safe, effective products for steps a healthy life. Shaklee Malaysia has put together four Wellness packs under the YES programme - Healthy Young Living, Healthy Fitness, Healthy Prenatal and Healthy Postnatal for the active young, workaholics, the women with young families and all who are seeking to better their overall health. 

Shaklee Cares is a publicly supported, non-profit organisation, founded in 1992 by Shaklee Corporation. This charitable organisation is committed to help people in need. Since 1992, thousands of hours of volunteer time and millions of dollars in cash and product donations have been given out to help families and communities.

Watch this youtube to find out what Mr. Victor Lim the President Shaklee Malaysia have to say. 

YES (Youth Entrepreneur System) is ideally suited for the young and the young-at-heart looking for financial freedom and time freedom. The recent emphasis on nurturing, encouraging the young in Malaysia to focus on entrepreneurship in Malaysia makes YES ideal for those looking to create a healthier and better future for themselves. 

Why YES? YES helps the young to build their own business with minimum capital but yet provide the possibility of great returns. Be part of YES as the young entrepreneurs earn an additional fifty percent more from their net income!

The YES programme has incorporated financial incentives, soft skills training, product knowledge and the support of a network of mentors to help young entrepreneurs achieve their dreams to become their own boss.

Get start with YES as it can be a stepping stone for women entrepreneurs who aim for a better quality of life, work on improving their household income - especially for those who are on aspire to be stay at home moms; and produce healthier future generations.

I have been taking ESP Soy Protein Isolate Powder, do you know that protein is an essential building block for health - critical for muscle building and retention, tissue repair, immunity, and virtually every other functions in the body. Protein may also help to ward off huger and boost energy. Dr Shaklee created the first protein isolated in 1961 and the product contains the highest quality soy and dairy proteins to help sustain energy, vitality and stamina. 

ESP Soy Protein Isolate Powder is one of my favorite, how about you?

Above is the head office of Shaklee Malaysia located in Pinnacle, Sunway.

Shaklee Malaysia has been providing nutritional and herbal supplements, personal care products and household products. Scroll down the pictures to view which interest you or your family members.

Healthy Post Natal Set
Healthy Fit Set
Healthy Body Set
Healthy Energy Set
Nurtition Products of your choice
Get Clean with Shaklee your household products.
I am with Mr. Victor Lim, he's the President Shaklee Malaysia. 

Later in the year, Shaklee will be launching Shaklee Care for Our Women, another CSR initiative. Being a woman, I am sure you and me can't wait to find out. 

Shaklee Malaysia operates from its Head Office in The Pinnacle Sunway, and has branches in Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Kota Bharu and Kota Kinabalu
If you have interest to know more about YES (Young Entrepreneurs System Shaklee) and Shaklee products please visit 

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