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Monday, August 15, 2016

Naruko a beauty date with NiuEr Guru

photo credit to Naruko Malaysia
Last Sunday I have a morning date with NiuEr Guru, its an exclusive invitation by Watsons Malaysia. I get to meet up with NiuEr Guru, he's well known in Taiwan on skincare products. I have been watching his show related to skincare on TV for long time glad to finally see him.
photo credit to Watsons Malaysia

Thank you Watsons Malaysia for the Naruko Beauty Workshop, you can find the Naruko products exclusively at Watsons stores, you can shop online Watsons too click on the link to shop.
You can watch above youtube video for Naruko Jingseng series by NiuEr Guru, can you believe that he's 49 years old.
one of the best selling range of Naruko skincare

The above Jingseng series restore youth & revitalize skin, remove dullness & rejunevate skin. You can also find Naruko Raw Job Tear series, Tea Tree series available.

So happy I get to meet and have a photo session with NiuEr Gru at the end session of the beauty date, special thanks to Kylie for taking this photo.

photo credit to Naruko Malaysia
One of the volunteer on the beauty date, he's all the way from Johor Bharu, the event was held at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa at Level 15.
photo above credit to Naruko Malaysia
Just three steps skincare use on the volunteer and he's skin is smooth and we can see the difference. NiuEr Guru explains of the skincare products and also show the result of the cotton which used on the volunteer's face. Using cotton with the toner truly can show you the difference, other than that the cotton for essence can be use as mask too just need to split it into few times.

One of the attendee feeling the skin of the volunteer

The volunteer is his early 20s, he's also a beauty fan of NiuEr Guru.
happy volunteer with NiuEr Guru, you can see he's happy with the results too
Amazing just three steps of skincare Naruko Jing Seng used and we can see his skin difference. I have snap some photos here, which you can click to view.

Another volunteer which NiuEe Guru shows after result of using the skincare of Naruko Jing Cheng
photo credit to Watsons Malaysia
Beauty bloggers on the beauty date trying out the range of Naruko Jing Cheng products, you can find this range available exclusively at Watsons Malaysia.
Naruko Jing Cheng 60 Active Ultimate Moisturizer 120ml 
I find the products of Naruko Jing Cheng nice and absorb quickly not only that, they smell good too.
If you like to know more about the skincare range of Naruko Malaysia, you can visit Watsons Malaysia or online shopping store Watsons Malaysia as mentioned above.

Naruko Raw Job's Tears 30ml

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