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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Juggling life of mom of two boys and blogging

It's been quite sometimes since I blog about my juggling life as a mom of two boys. Busy in and out of the home to fetch my children from school and also for tuition centers. It's not easy tasks as there's no replacement which time is consumed and immediate action needed for example. Right after school to send to tuition so in the car, he has to eat and changed before going to tuition class. How many transporter or rider would you think that will do this? I don't think there's any especially there's need to change of uniform in car.

There's need of homework guidance and teaching them on study and tough questions to answer on Sean's paperwork. Though I have paid the tuition center to let him to learn but then the tuition center given the papers to him which he is not sure of how to answer, so I need to help him out to answer and also asking him to read and think. It's no longer UPSR but PPSR examination. Chinese papers are not easy and it's even tougher for me as I am not good with Mandarin.

If there's invitation for family events or single invite to events, I would need to think twice or triple about it as I need to consider my children's first. Whether the timing and venue are suitable for me to attend or not and whether I have time for my children or not. It's not easy so most of the time, I would let go the chances.

Sometimes the venue and time are suitable for me, consider it some me time that I can get away for a while before fetching them. Well, never forget mom duties of course and also doing what I love. I am happy that some brands are willing to send me their products for review knowing that I have busy parenting schedule.  I got invited for media trip as well but I got to let it go as I need to fetch my children, both of them now in Standard 1 and Standard 6, important stage of education in Primary School. I always advice/encourage them to read more, write more and speak more in languages. It's always easy to say than doing it.

Besides blogging and social media, I have also started Youtube, you can check out my latest video. Feel free to subscribe to my video.  There's lot to learn in editing and it's a handful of challenge in life, so just doing what I enjoy til I am bored and lose interest of it. In mean time I love what I am doing and keeping it up when I have the time.

How about you?

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