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Friday, April 20, 2018

Shopping Super Essenso Microground coffee @11street

Everyone has got a busy lifestyle of in and out of the house. What's better than waking up and smell the coffee? The ESSENSOTM MICROGROUND COFFEE brings you the platinum in instant coffee. Their proprietary MicroPlus™ technique finely grinds 100% Arabica coffee beans in an oxygen-free and ultra-low temperature environment to preserve the essence of the coffee beans. This superfine coffee is then blended with premium Arabica instant coffee to deliver a roasted top note and a smooth mouthfeel, so you can enjoy a deeper aroma, richer taste and fuller body in every sip. 

Sharing is caring and I love bag collection and wanna know what's in my bag? Check out the video.

 That's not all, just to share with you that the Limited Edition tote bag you saw in the video it is only available at 11street. 
Take a short break, enjoy my reading time and enjoying Super Essenso Microground coffee
 With busy lifestyle, I am glad there's online shopping that we can shop online and orders come to my door step without going out to shop. I love to drink coffee and just nice to find this range that suitable for my loved ones and myself. They too are coffee lovers that can never say No to coffee.

BUY 3 X Super Essenso Microground coffee 2-in-1 coffee & creamer FREE 8-Stick Pack Super Essenso Microground coffee 3-in1
A smooth and creamy brew with no sugar added. This blend appeals to coffee lovers who prefer an intense coffee taste with a
roasted aroma, that lingers with every sip.

Normal price: RM63.90
Discounted price: RM40.30
Promo ends: 30 April 2018

BUY 3 X Super Essenso Microground coffee 3-in1 Free 8-Stick Pack
The signature 3 in1 blend delivers a deeper aroma with a distinctive roasted note and a richer coffee that leaves a lingering

Normal price: RM63.90
Discounted price: RM40.85
Promo ends: 30 April 2018

Super Essenso Microground Black Coffee Mandheling Blend
Drawing you in with its balanced lavour, this distinct brew boasts an iconic union of instant coffee powder and finelyground

Normal price: RM62.70
Discounted price: RM30.30
Promo ends: 30 April 2018

Super Essenso Microground Black Coffee Colombian Blend
An iconic union of instant coffee powder and finely ground single-
origin Colombian coffee beans, it owes its exquisite taste to
MicroPlus™, a propriety technique we use to preserve the very essence of prized beans.

Normal price: RM62.70
Discounted price: RM31.35
Promo ends: 30 April 2018

I know everyone has got their favourite coffee in mind, when you think of what the gifts for loved ones? Can check out these, plus special celebration coming up for Mother's Day and Father's Day. Check out the Super Essenso Microground coffee 3-in1, Super Essenso Microground coffee 2-in-1 coffee & creamer, Super Essenso Microground Black Coffee Colombian Blend, and Super Essenso Microground Black Coffee Mandheling Blend. Shop now as there are promotion going on and the sales ends this month.

Say no more if you like to know more information please visit the Super, you can get start online shopping at 11street,

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