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Sunday, May 13, 2018


Good day to all my reader and visitor, it's been a very hot day. I love to eat ice cream during hot day and even my kids love them too. Now there's PinkFong Baby Shark Ice Cream, do you know of the Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo? It is kids' favourite song, I got to know this from youngest son he started showing me video on youtube and sing along.

We are so happy that we can enjoy the PINKFONG Baby Shark Ice Cream in Malaysia, we love the delicious strawberry flavour ice holly with milk flavoured filling. Yeah, it taste so yummy that I have purchased more to keep in freezer at home. You can find the ice cream available in-stores nationwide now. It is RM1.90 for one PINKFONG Baby Shark Ice Cream.

Say no more as we had more surprises for us last week, were you by any chance at One Utama Shopping Centre last week? There was a PINKFONG & Baby Shark Mini Concert which was on 26 April 2018 to 29 April 2018 at High Street where we found more PINKFONG Baby Shark Ice Cream. Indeed it was a great experience that made me and my boys enjoy every single moment of the concert. It’s also considered as fun learning experience for the kids and they can sing-along together with the lyrics on the screens. Something a little like this YouTube video:


That evening was truly a memory to keep; The Baby Shark mini concert from start to end was very knowledgeable; do check out my video above. I was told tickets were sold out too. Besides watching the show, we also enjoyed the PINKFONG Baby Shark ice cream, it was selling at a buy 1 free 1 during that weekend.

#pinkfong #babyshark #babysharkicecream


  1. never try this ice cream.. but looks great and yummy! mini size, ngam kiddos..

    1. yeah this size just nice to eat. Kids and adults love it :D

  2. Alaa.. nak jugak Sherry.. haha.. dah berkali-kali orang dok tayang aiskrim pink fong ni.. teringin pulak nak merasa
    . hahaha.. mesti sedap kan.. haha.. ini bukan anak yang makan.. mama dan papanya yang over reacted pulak kang. haha

  3. Oh myy.. I know kids love the Baby Shark and it's song but after the umpteenth time listening to it, I kinda get stressed out whenever the song comes up. Hahaha! Maybe it's a symptom only non-mothers (like me) experience. LOL

  4. I suka ais krim ni sebab sedap giler. N masa i bawa my kids tengok konsert mmg semua anak2 enjoy... pinkfong tu feveret diaorang sejak dulu lagi

    1. yeah full of people watching the mini concert, enjoy the yummy ice cream to eat before the show.

  5. Ice cream memang sedap kalau makan di musim panas. Kalau nak bonding time dengan anak...i selalu beli ice cream. Masa makan tu boleh tanya apa yang anak buat kat sekolah. Hehe

    1. yeah nice to eat as not too sweeet, gonna stock up more at home.

  6. Just try last week with my daughter, she really loves kids really enjoyed the concerts ya..sometimes we need to make them happy...

  7. hey! is it nice? i heard a few blogger promote this, pinkfong ni tak silap yang baby shark tu kan ?

  8. yeah its nice. PINK FONG BABY SHARK song yes, my sons love singing it.

  9. Sis tengok ramai yang dah cuba ice cream ni. Ada yang cakap sedap, jeles pulak sis..hehehe. Nanti nak cuba jugaklah

  10. It's best to bring the kids in this kind of event when tired of eating delicious ice cream. It would be fun if the boys would bring it here....

  11. Icecream also for adult right not specific just for kids. Heheh I want to try this Ping Fong Baby Shark Ice Crem. Looks delicious make me tempting now!

  12. Pink fong now have ice cream? tak tau pon..thank you for sharing..i will give it a try..looks yummy. hehe

  13. The ice cram is so cute, they’re so creative to come out with this kind of icecream. Kids surely will love it.

  14. Sedap ni kalau makan panasa2. Kanak-kanak pun mesti suka sangat kan. Comel je

  15. this is very cute and ur video gave me a big smile. i already tried this and i like it too.. hahaha

  16. So cute lah this ice cream. I havent see it yet in store. I should go n explore more store i guess. Many said that the taste is awesome.

  17. My family love this icecream so much. We have a lot of stock in the fridge. The taste is so creamy yet yummy.

  18. Ni kalau anak AS join tengok.konsert ni, confirm berjoget-joget dia sambil menyanyi. Dia memang suka sangat la lagu baby shark ni

  19. Never know ping fong got ice cream. Ok, I wanna trt this
    Thanks for sharing. Looks like it's so yummeh


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