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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Nippon Paint Sayangi Malaysiaku {Create-It-Yourself} CIY Workshop

Beautiful Creation by Ben Firdaus using Nippon Paint
 Good day to all my readers and visitors. Today sharing with you that I have recently attended Nippon Paint Sayangi Malaysiaku Create-It-Yourself (CIY) Workshop with Ben Firdaus Interior Designer. Everyone has got a busy lifestyle, especially parents I am sure everyone parent would like to create a safe indoor environments for their loved ones especially children. Sharing with you today on what I have learned at the workshop. Everyone one of us is given a wooden plate to create our own masterpiece.There's an apron for everyone to put it on to prevent getting the paint on ourselves especially our clothing. Scroll down to view the what's on the table before we get start to create our masterpiece.

This is a fun workshop as we have the hands on experienced to create our own masterpiece.
tools of Nippon Pants that we are going for the CIY
 At the workshop, Ben Firdaus has explained and show us step by step of creating the beautiful masterpiece which had the colors of yellow, red, blue and white. There's need of use the Washi Tape as first step to create the designed that we want, I would say is the colours that we want to colours on the wooden plate. It's been a long time I didn't try on painting the last time was 16 years back when house was under renovation. The Nippon Paint range that we are using at the workshop is one of the Nippon Paint Child Wellness Range consists of 3 unique technologies catering to child's stages of growth.

Before we get start for the Create-It-Yourself workshop, each of us has the wooden plate which is empty. The painting that we are using is Nippon Paint,  There's Nippon Paint Hydro Primer and Nippon Paint Hydro. Nippon Paint Hydro Primer is used to prevents wood from rotting, and suitable for metal used to prevent it from rusting. Nippon Paint Hydro Primer and Nippon Paint Hydro it has low VOCs.

 Ben Firdaus is friendly and helpful giving us lots of tips on using the Nippon Paint products.
I am sure you would like to see what if use these panting for your children's room? Don't forget to watch the Calit, Si Cilik Calit! It's on every Tuesday, it just started on 4 September 2018 at 9.50pm on TV3. It's about 3 Nippon Rangers that help parent with children's who needs to have a room makeover. Children has many idea and imagination, it can be a nice creative wall for their bedroom.
Using the Nippon Paint Hydro Primer, Washi Tape , and Synthetic Paint Brush
 The wooden plate which is empty, I have created the pattern with the Washi Tape and the area I used the Nippon Paint Hydro Primer. Hydro Primer is used to prevents wood from rotting, it has low VOCs. First layer of paint is using the Nippon Paint Hydro Primer, wait it dry for 15 minutes then can proceed with second layer of it. But due to timing we only done one layer paint for it. We then used the color we wanted to use and paint on the Hydro Primer that we earlier painted.
Sharing a short video I made for this fun Nippon Paint Sayangi Malaysiaku CIY Workshop, click on the link for the Youtube link.

Remember the tape that I have put on the plate? Well after the Hydro Primer have dried, we can proceed with another color to put on the designs. I have used all the Nippon Paint Hydro colours which I have mentioned above on this masterpiece. Flowers you see on the plate is the last step to do. We have got a fun utensil that's 'Bunga Raya' that make beautiful print on the plate, we need to use sponge on it but first got to soak it in the paint and try it on papers first then only onto the plate. My friends says my masterpiece looks like shield, what do you think?
my masterpiece creation, do you like it?

It's fun with the Nippon Paint Sayangi Malaysiaku CIY Workshop, the paints have no smell at all. I am sure you know that most paint have very strong smell but this doesn't have any smell. It's can be use to create safe indoor environments with the Nippon Pint Child Wellness Range. Complete coating solutions for child's safety and wellbeing.

Indeed a fun Nippon Paint Sayangi Malaysiaku CIY Workshop that we had. 
Thank you Nippon Paint Malaysia for having me. 

For more information on Nippon Paint Malaysia:
Toll free no: 1-800-88-2663


  1. iam ben fan..i love the way his decoration.
    i always used nippon paint for my house because its long lasting even its expensive but its ok..

  2. Great to have these painting events.. Unlease creativity and the theme is so patriotik!

  3. Bestnya workshop macam ni , eh semalam ada di tv3 pasal nippon gak , sama kke heeee yang hias bilik budak

  4. Masih ingat lagi lawatan kami kali terakhir ke kilang nippon paint di shah alam lebih kurang 9 tahun lepas. Jom sayang Malaysia

  5. Selalu nampak maskot maskot comel dari nippon paint saja di kaca tv. Cat mengecat ni kerja lelaki. Isteri pilih warna. Hehe

  6. Ada tengok rancangan ni untuk bilik budak2 malam dapat deko2 denagn nippon ni..tengah fikir nak cat rumah ni

  7. Syarikat nippon pain dari jepun pun anjurkan program yang bagus untuk kita hargai negara sendiri. syarikat malaysia jangan ketinggalan pula

  8. Wow so nice lah. I already watch the TV show. So interesting! Give me some ideas to do something in future

  9. I one of ben fans! Hahaha
    Suka tgk id dia and everything about him😍😍
    Bestnya boleh belajar decorations dgn dia.

  10. What a great activity you have there. It does not only unleash your creativity but also encourage patriotic to our country

  11. this is a wonderful way to get people interested into doing something patriotic. plus its loads of fun too.

  12. Wah!!cantik dan unik design yg terhasi dgn nippon paint.. AM suka!!! Kreatif & sangat berinovasi!! Syabas!!

  13. Rumah sis pun pakai cat nippon, cat ni memang bagus tak ada bau dan tahan lama. 10 tahun baru tukar ke cat baru tapi bukan sebab rosak..sebab nak kan color lain pulak dalam rumah..:D

  14. Wah.. Lahorkan kreativiti anda ke disitu. Cara menyayangi Malaysia Tanah Airku..
    Satu program yang menarik untuk semua..

  15. Semunya kreatif2. Pastinya ia satu pengalaman yang manis buat semua. Ini adlah cara untuk menyatakan rasa cinta pada negara

  16. Wahhh nice lah ada event seperti ini. Boleh hasilkan mengikut kreativiti masing2. Tambah2 bertemakan kemerdekaan. Good job Sherry !

  17. Bestnya workshop macam ni. lagi kuat sayangi negara dan lebih dekat mengenali produk Nippon Paint.

  18. Whoa! Nice workshop. So you get creative with all nice colors from Nippon paint ya. They have a good patriotic theme.

  19. Nippon ni produk cat yang bagus. Ramai kawan2 guna cat nippon ni kalau nk cat rumah. Btw Nice workshop. Best dapat join


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