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Friday, March 8, 2019

Tips For Choosing A Boarding Stable You Can Trust

If you are thinking about buying a horse and don't have your own stable, you may be tasked with looking for a local boarding stable you can trust. You don't want your horse to be placed somewhere where it won't be safe. Below are some tips to take into consideration when comparing different boarding stables in your area before you make your decision.

Quality Of Care

Your top concern when choosing a boarding stable should be the health and safety of your beloved horse. When you check out any stable, be sure to look at the health of the other horses being boarded. Is the feed and hay top quality? Do you notice there is fresh water available? Is there enough space for the number of horses at the stables to be comfortable? A good stable will also have the proper type of wood horse jumps for the horses to use. They should be high quality from sellers like the one found at


When inspecting stables, you will also want to ensure your horse will be safe while staying there. All fences, windows, ceilings, stalls and doors in the stables should be safe and free of any hazards. Any fences outside of the stables should be sturdy enough to keep the horses in and not in need of repairs. The property should also have a phone, fire extinguishers and a first aid kit available for both the horses and caretakers to use in the event of an emergency.


Another factor you must consider when searching for a stable is the cost. Each stable will vary with regards to how much they charge for boarding your horse. Oftentimes, the fees will reflect the popularity of the stable and what it has to offer. You will have to figure out how much you can afford.
These are just a few of the things taken into consideration when searching for a stable to keep your horse at. You want to ensure your horse is happy, healthy and well taken care of. The decision of choosing a boarding stable is not always an easy one.

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