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Friday, June 12, 2015

Jurassic World is a must watch!

It's Friday evening and I am glad that I bring my mom and son for a movie date before the school starts. June's holiday maybe over soon, if you are heaving to Genting Highlands and interest to check out Genting International Children's Festival do click on the link.

Spoiler alert...

It's a movie date with them as son has no interest to watch horror movie, so dinosaurs movie would be the best entertainment for adults and kids. I am glad this movie gives my mom and son a fun filled feeling from start to the end of the movie.

My favorite actors are in this movie, they are Chris Pratt and Ty Simpkins. It's heart beating fast movie where you'll see new dinosaur, it's named Indomimus Rex it's fierce and it's big best of all it change its colour just like frog? This new species of dinosaur is not suppose to exist but someone wanted it bigger and better or something new in the theme park, so they created this beast/monster! This intelligent Indomimus Rex escape the cage, you got to see this movie to find out how. Nobody knows that's going to happen.

Jurassic World where you see parents get to see their child riding on live dinosaurs, no kidding, they get to pet the dinosaur feeding it without being bitten. Well, do you think all dinosaurs are tame? How about raptors?

How two brothers and their aunt going to escape the island? Well they are not alone in the island of dinosaurs, an animal expert (Chris Pratt) is there to help. The two brothers were send by their parents to the dinosaur islands as they feel that it's a family time for them to catch up with their aunt who is working in the dinosaur island. It's bonding time for the brothers too as the young brother (Ty Simpkins) he's got the feeling that their parents going to divorce because they have send each other with letters from different lawyer. He knows about it as he google it up on Internet.

Huge water dinosaur, that gulp up a shark during feeding time. This Jurassic World would makes you to want watch Jurassic Park on how it all begins.

This movie is PG13, it's 2 hours 10 minutes movie. I would like to watch it again!

For your info, I bought the movie tickets in GSC Midvalley each adult ticket RM17, child around RM9. I suggest don't go to GSC Signature the Gardens unless you are willing to spend minimum RM30 on a ticket or RM79 for a gold class ticket!


  1. Waaahhhhh rm80 to watch movie in gold class ah!!!! Entering Forbidden City is half that price!!!!! Hahahaha

  2. Hi Miera, yeah so expensive and we need walk to Midvalley GSC Cinema to purchase tickets, it was long queue too. At GSC Signature nobody queue at all.


Thank you for visit, have a nice day.
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